La política exterior de EEUU y los experimentos médicos con seres humanos

Es escalofriante la falta de ética de los médicos norteamericanos que infectaron cientos talvez miles de personas en Guatemala, EEUU y quien sabe en que otros paises.  La noticia completa en Nature, una de las más prestigiadas revistas científicas del mundo, para que los escépticos no tengan como negarlo.

The injections came without warning or explanation. As a low-ranking soldier in the Guatemalan army in 1948, Federico Ramos was preparing for weekend leave one Friday when he was ordered to report to a clinic run by US doctors.

Ramos walked to the medical station, where he was given an injection in his right arm and told to return for another after his leave. As compensation, Ramos’s commanding officer gave him a few coins to spend on prostitutes. The same thing happened several times during the early months of Ramos’s two years of military service. He believes that the doctors were deliberately infecting him with venereal disease.

Y es necesario también condenar a las autoridades guatemaltecas que aprobaron las acciones de los fuerzas norteamericanas en sus territorios. Muchos peruanos, incluso académicos son tan crédulos que aceptarían cualquier programa de los EEUU  aun cuando perjudique  a sus ciudadanos. Juan Funes, Luis Galich y el presidente Jose Arevalo son los nombres de la verguenza guatemalteca.

In 1945, a Guatemalan health official who was working for a year at the VDRL offered to host studies in his country. As director of the Guatemalan Venereal Disease Control Department, Juan Funes was uniquely positioned to help…

According to a Guatemalan report3, the US plan was a clear violation of contemporary Guatemalan law, which made it illegal to knowingly spread venereal diseases. But the country was experiencing political upheaval in the mid-1940s and the bureaucracy did not object to the US plan. Government officials as high up as Luis Galich, head of the Guatemalan ministry of public health, were involved in the US study, and even President Juan José Arévalo, who had been elected in 1945, was at least aware of a syphilis experiment being done by US scientists…

Hoy en día, las poderosas compañías farmacéuticas están haciendo sus experimentos en paises subdesarrollados,  como representan poderosos intereses económicos las embajadas de sus paises las apoyan para obtener los permisos y ayudarlos en la logistica.  Por eso hay que estar atentos a las «ayudas médicas» de programas como USAid y los directamente promocionados por la Embajada de USA. Quien los supervisa? Cuales son los estandares éticos que siguen?

  …an issue that raises concern today, with Western companies increasingly running clinical trials in foreign countries, particularly in developing nations. In 2010, the US Department of Health and Human Services investigated all requests by companies to market their drugs in the United States, and found that in 2008, nearly 80% of approved applications used data from clinical trials in other countries.

Developing nations often have lower medical standards than developed countries, and can’t enforce rules as effectively. In India, for example, human-rights activists and members of parliament say that foreign drug companies often test experimental drugs on poor, illiterate people without obtaining their consent or properly explaining the risks.

And in 2009, the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer agreed to pay up to $75 million to settle lawsuits over the deaths of Nigerian children who had participated in tests of an experimental antibiotic. Nigerian officials and activists had claimed that the company had acted improperly by, for example, not obtaining proper authorization or consent. But Pfizer denies the allegations and did not admit any wrongdoing in the settlement.

Leer el articulo completo en Nature

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